Important Note
The H3A test solution allows online tests to be carried out on Firco alert files of less than 10 MB. The objective is to allow the user to form an opinion on the potential of this solution to quickly and significantly reduce false positives.
The results of H3A depend obviously on the settings made. The test is carried out with a basic setting which will have to be adapted to the actual conditions of use.
Prerequisites for testing
The format of the Firco alerts file is XML.
Data positions in the REC tag must be indicated beforehand (step 1 of the test). Data in REC tag must be separated by a semicolunm.
The file must be renamed as follows: TESTH3A_JJMMAAA.xml.
The file has to contain alerts regarding only individuals.
The size of the alerts file is limited to 10 MB for the test.
The list used by Firco filter must be the FACTIVA list edited by Dow Jones.
Reminder of the operating principle of the H3A robot
In real conditions of use, H3A must be installed on site on a local server.
H3A reads the alerts file produced as Firco filter output and removes the false positives that it detects. The alerts thus rejected are kept in a separate file for traceability. The file containing the retained alerts is then loaded into the Firco database following the nominal process.
Context and Modalities of the test
A Firco alert file has to be uploaded before to trigger H3A. The robot process the alerts file and output the rejected alerts file and the retained alerts file. At the end of the processing, a screen is displayed and gives the result of the processing in the form of counters. The user can then click on the rejected alerts and the retained alerts counters to display the list of them with the associated motive.
Note that all files used during the test are systematically removed after the test.